Custom Pipes

Angular 2 allows you to create your own custom pipes:

import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';

  name: 'length'
export class LengthPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string, displayMessage: boolean): string {
    return displayMessage ? `${value} ${value.length}` : `${value.length}`

View Example

Each custom pipe implementation must:

  • have the @Pipe decorator with pipe metadata that has a name property. This value will be used to call this pipe in template expressions. It must be a valid JavaScript identifier.
  • implement the PipeTransform interface's transform method. This method takes the value being piped and a variable number of arguments of any type and return a transformed ("piped") value.

Each colon-delimited parameter in the template maps to one method argument in the same order.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'hello',
    template: `
        <p>{{ message | length:true }}</p>
        <p>{{ message | length:false }}</p>
export class Hello {
  message: string = 'Hello There';

View Example

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